Wind farm Rudine

Investor Adria Wind Power d.o.o.karte rudine
Location Rudine
State Croatia
Sea level 100 m

Croatia has a total area of 89,810 km² with a share of 56,610 km² on the continent and 33,200 km² on the Adriatic Sea. It is inhabited by 4.4 million people. The territory is characterised by a long coastal line with numerous small islands.

In Croatia are currently two wind farms with an installed capacity of 15 MW in operation. Estimates of Croatia’s technically exploitable wind potential predict the achievable power generating capacity as 1,300 MW.

Wind Farm Site

The site Rudine is located 25 km north-west of Dubrovnik between the cost and the boarder of Bosnia and Herzegovina 100m above See level. It is a wide plateau where wind measurements started already 1999. The plateau runs parallel to the coast line which is 3 km away. The terrain of the plateau consists of karst and falls off slightly in the direction towards the coast-line. The wind flow in the region is mainly caused by ‘Bora’, which is generated on the mainland. After passing the barrier of the mountain range east of the project location, ‘Bora’ falls down very harshly to the Adriatic Sea. This meteorological phenomenon causes excellent wind conditions along the coast but it is fairly unpredictable and shows extreme characteristics.

Wind farm project Rudine

The total wind farm layout consists of 34 wind turbines.  Wind energy utilisation in complex terrain and under specific local wind systems require a very detailed analysis of the expected wind conditions and expected performance of the wind turbines. The project location RUDINE would be most suitable to implement the SEEWIND project since the performance of the pilot wind turbine would be representative for most other wind turbine locations in Croatia. Also would be the implementation of a 2.5 MW wind turbine in Rudine the first wind turbine in Croatia above 1 MW.

The number of turbines and the exact location of the pilot turbine will be decided based on the results of new measurements like SODAR and LIDAR and all other site related research activities within the SEEWIND project.

Project location Rudine towards east.

Project location Rudine towards west.