WP 4 – Vertical wind profile in complex terrain


  • To measure and analyse the vertical wind profile with SODAR (SOund Detecting and Ranging).
  • To investigate the temporal evolution of the vertical wind profile during Bora events.
  • To determine the suitability of LIDAR (LIght Detecting and Ranging) for the evaluation of the vertical wind profile in complex terrain.

Description of work

  • SODAR measurements
    SODAR measurements are performed for 4–6 months in 1–2 locations at the Podvelez site.
    SODAR measurements are performed for 1–2 months in 1 location at both the Rudine II and the Vlasina site.
    The typical vertical profile of wind speed is analysed for different wind speeds and directions.
    The results obtained are put into context with the specific characteristics of the local terrain.
  • Temporal evolution of wind profile during Bora events
    Time series of the vertical wind profile during Bora events are analysed.
    Typical patterns in the evolution of the vertical profile during Bora events are investigated.
    The patterns obtained are put into context with the local wind systems (WP 4).
  • LIDAR measurements
    LIDAR measurements are performed at the SODAR locations (parallel to SODAR measurements) for 2–4 weeks at Podvelez (BiH) and 1–2 weeks at both the Rudine (HR) and the Vlasina (SCG) site.
    The typical vertical profile of wind speed is analysed and compared to the SODAR results.
    The suitability of LIDAR for measuring the vertical profile on wind speed in complex terrain is rated on the basis of experience obtained from the measurement campaign and data analyzed.


Meteotest is the leader of the work package ‚Vertical wind profile in complex terrain‘.