WP 9 – Certification and standards


  • To work out Site Specific Certificates for the intended wind turbines to be appropriate at the Podvelez, Rudine and Vlasina sites.
  • To contribute to harmonize national building codes and related international standards in Croatia, Bosnia/Herzegovina and Serbia/Montenegro.

Description of work

  • Site specific certificates:
    • Wind turbines are subject to environmental and electrical conditions including the influence of nearby turbines that may affect their loading, durability and operation. In addition to these conditions seismic, topographic and soil conditions at the wind turbine site have to be taken in account. It will be shown that the site-specific conditions do not compromise the structural integrity.
    • Site specific parameters as required by the international standard IEC 61400-1 ‘Wind turbine generator systems – Part 1: Safety requirements’ will be compiled and discussed with DEWI who are involved in the evaluation of the measurements at the site. This is an important interface to obtain all the necessary data for the economical and safe design of the wind turbine.
    • Comparison of the design parameters of the intended wind turbine and the site specific parameters of Podvelez.
    • For the assessment of the structural integrity it should be demonstrated that the conditions at the site are no more severe than those assumed for the design of the wind turbine or a demonstration of the structural integrity for conditions, each equal to or more severe than those at the site, should be given.
    • If the site specific parameters exceed the design values of the wind turbine the load assumptions for the wind turbine have to be adapted to be appropriate at the site.
    • Therefore the developer or manufacturer of the wind turbine has to supply the site specific load calculations to assure the structural integrity of the turbine.
    • The demonstration comprises a comparison of loads and deflections calculated for the specific wind turbine site conditions with those calculated during design, taking into account the reserve margins and the influence of the environment on structural resistance.
    • DEWI-OCC will perform an approval of the above above-mentioned and load assumptions at the site forming the basis for the design of the wind turbine.
  • Building codes and related international standards:
    • As a first step the different national building codes and related standards will be collected to obtain a compilation and review of the different national (local) building codes and related standards.
    • Examination of the practicality of the national building codes for wind turbines and further requirements for building permissions.
    • Finally the relevant contents regarding wind turbines and requirements for building permission will be abstracted in a report.


DEWI OCC is the leader of the work package ‚Certification and standards‘.