WP 12 – Power curve measurement


Power Performance Measurement

  • To compare site calibration factors obtained from cup anemometer measurements and 3D sonic anemometer measurements
  • To compare wind speed profiles measured at the tower and generated by the numerical model.
  • To measure the power curve of two turbines of the same type at different complex terrain situations for site specific effects. To test nacelle anemometer based results against IEC 61400-12-1 measurement results.

Description of work

Power Performance Measurement

  • Two towers will be placed at the site of interest in order to perform a site calibration measurement at hub height, according to IEC 61400-12-1 using Measnet calibrated cup and sonic anemometers.
  • After the first phase with a minimum durations of 8 weeks the mast at the turbine position will be moved to a different position in the farm. The sonics will be calibrated with regard to the expected terrain slope induced inflow angles. In this phase a second data set will be compiled.
  • Power curve measurements on turbines following IEC 61400-12-1. The data of the turbine will be assessed using nacelle anemometry. Special emphasis shall be put on the high wind speed regime above 16 m/s and the cut-out hysteresis.

WP Responsibility

DEWI is the leader of Work Package ‚Power curve measurement‘.