WP 1 – Project Management


To guarantee the timely and technically progress of the project according to the project objectives.

Description of work

  1. Project start
    • Organisation of project start workshop.
    • Planning of measures to overcome potential project risks and a detailed project plan for first 6 month of project
  2. Project coordination
    • Transfer of information between project team members and relevant project environment
    • Coordination of project resources and assurance of the timely project progress and quality of work packages through controlling of process in the work packages according to milestones and verification of completed work packages.
    • Project meetings will take place every 6 month where the project progress will be discussed, project plans if necessary adopted and measures to overcome project risks agreed on
  3. Project controlling
    • The project statues will be assessed once a year by preparing technical and financial control-ling reports where planned and actual project progress and use of project resources will be assessed.
  4. Project conclusion
    • Organisation of timely conclusion of all reports and deliverables and the dissemination of pro-ject results.


Energiewerkstatt, the coordinator of the project, is the leader of the work package ‚Project Management‘.