WP 7 – Micro-scale simulations


  • To calculate site parameters relevant for mechanical loads (turbulence, wind shear, flow inclination, extreme wind conditions).
  • To calculate the expected energy yield of the wind farms

Description of work

Evaluation of on-site wind measurement data.

Short-term correlation of wind measurement data using the Measure-Correlate-Predict method.

Three-dimensional micro-scale flow simulations with 2 different Navier-Stokes solvers.

A flow model developed by DEWI based on the CFD-Software Phoenics will be applied.

Parallel to this, the Windsim commercial software will be applied by MET-SW using the same input data as used for the DEWI model.

Assessment and processing of long-term wind data.

This task is based on some of the findings of (WP 3) and  (WP 4).

The long-term wind data that was re-assessed (WP 5) or simulated (WP 6) is analysed and also compared with the on-site measurements. Based on this assessment an appropriate known method for the long-term correlation of the on-site wind data is selected and applied.

Final post-processing of the flow simulation results and the long-term correlated wind data, to derive mean wind, turbulence, wind shear, flow inclination and extreme wind conditions.

Comparison of the results of the two models and verification of the calculations with appropriate on-site wind measurements.

Calculation of the expected energy yield of the wind farm.


DEWI is the leader of the work package ‚Micro-scale simulations‘.