WP 10 – Construction of pilot wind turbines


  • To prepare a call for tenders concerning costs for grid connection, foundation and access roads
  • To calculate detailed costs for the pilot projects including financing scheme and economic efficiency.
  • To carry out the work on the infrastructure and construction of the wind turbines

Description of work

  • Call for tender: the calculation of investment costs for infrastructure measures will be based on costs which are determined by a call for tender. Local companies will be involved in carrying out works for infra structure. The severe terrain and the rocky ground make improvement of the access road and installation of the electrical connection complicated and time-consuming. Experience from Tauernwindpark and other projects in mountainous areas in Austria and Switzerland will be drawn on and the necessary roads and cable lines built. The transport of heavy turbine parts places special requirements on the inclination of roads and radii of curves.
  • Calculating economic efficiency: the calculation of economic efficiency has to take into account the detailed costs of investment, the costs for service and repairs, the costs for financing and also the income by funding and selling electricity. Before starting construction work for each of the pilot turbines the economic efficiency has to be calculated and agreed by contract.
  • Wind turbine construction work: the work on infrastructure and construction of wind turbines will be carried out keeping in mind experience gained from similar projects in Austria and Switzerland or, in the case of Rudine, based on experience in the construction of wind turbines at the site. The wind turbines will be erected using conventional mobile cranes. At each of the pilot sites difficulties arising from the gradient or the radii of roads have to be solved. Since the Vlasina site in Serbia will have unique requirements due to difficulties in accessibility and harsh winter conditions, the construction work for the turbines has to provide for these needs.


Energiewerkstatt, the coordinator of the project, is the leader of the work package ‚Construction of pilot wind turbines‘.