WP 3 – Wind measurements at pilot sites


  • To continue existing site measurements in order to obtain long-term wind data that can be used for site assessment.
  • To establish back-up measurements for calibration and verification of SODAR and LIDAR.

Description of work

  • Long-term measurements
    At each of the pilot sites wind measurements were implemented to gain information about possible wind potential. These measurements are still in operation and data has been collected covering periods of between 2 and 4 years. The measurements should be extended by further 3 years and instrumented with additional (calibrated) sensors. At Vlasina an ad-ditional heated anemometer has to be applied due to the deep temperatures and the harsh climate in winter.Equipment for long-term measurements:
    Podvelez: 10 m mast (speed and direction)
    Rudine: 30 m mast (2 x speed and 1 x direction)
    Vlasina: 50 m mast (2 x speed and 1 x direction + 1 x heated speed)
    The measurements will be operated by VE, AWP and Masurica, data collection and processing by EWS.
  • Back-up measurements
    For calibration and verification of SODAR and LIDAR data a short-term (back-up) wind measurement with a mast height of 30 m will be installed near the instruments. The duration of back-up measurements will be similar to that in the SODAR/LIDAR campaign. If SODAR is moved to another location, the back-up measurement will also be relocated. Definition of measurement locations and start of measurement campaign (including SODAR and LIDAR) will be decided in cooperation with DEWI and MET-SW (WP4). The data gained at the locations of back-up measurement can also be used for validation of micro-scale simulation results (WP 6).Equipment for back-up measurements:
    30 m mast, equipped with 2 x speed (different types of anemometer), 1 x direction, 1 x temperature
    Duration of measurements: 6 months for Podevelz, 3 months each for Rudine and Vlasin
    Short-term measurement will be fully operated by EWS.


Energiewerkstatt, the coordinator of the project, is the leader of the work package ‚Wind Measurements at Pilot sites‘.